Cover Crops
Cover crops can reduce wind and water erosion, preserve or improve soil health, use excess nutrients that could otherwise pollute waterways, and suppress weeds or pests. Farmers may consult with their SCD to determine which crop or combinations of crops are eligible to plant as cover crops.
Planning Considerations
Who will file the appropriate paperwork to enroll in the cover crop financial assistance program? What varieties of cover crops will be planted?
Who receives the cover crop payment?
Who pays for cover crop seed, labor, and equipment if state/federal payments are inadequate to cover costs? If the farmer and landowner plan to share payments. at what percentage will they be divided?
When cover crops are done growing will they be destroyed, suppressed, or used for livestock? Who pays any costs associated with terminating a cover crop?
Sample lease provision: To the maximum extent possible, Tenant shall plant a fall cover crop on all fields that have been planted during the previous cropping season. Tenant is encouraged to participate in the state or federal cover crop program for each year of the lease. If Tenant is awarded state or federal cover crop funding, he shall have the right to all funding. If payments from a state or federal source do not completely cover the cost of the planting, maintaining and harvesting or suppressing cover crops, Tenant shall be responsible for all overages. (Alternative provision) If cover crop program payments are received from a state or federal source and do not completely cover the cost of the planting, maintaining and harvesting or suppressing of cover crops, Landowner and Tenant shall contribute, in near equal shares, the amount funding necessary to cover the deficit.