Critical Area Planting
Critical Area and Pasture Planting are similar vegetative conservation practices. Maryland’s Critical Areas are land within 1,000 feet of the tidal area of the Chesapeake Bay. In addition to preventing erosion, critical area plantings provide water quality benefits and habitat for small birds and animals.
Reduces soil erosion.
Improves water quality by reducing the amount of sediment, nutrients and pesticides running off farmland.
Protects dams or gullied areas where vegetation may be difficult to establish.
Vegetation provides nesting cover for birds and small animals.
Planning Considerations
What are the dimensions of the proposed planting area?
What is the purpose of the planting: soil erosion control, wildlife habitat, livestock grazing, etc.?
Will the area be free from grazing animals for the first year after planting?
Will the planted area be fenced to protect it from wildlife/livestock?
Will the farmer provide needed maintenance and/or weed control? If so, how will the farmer be compensated?
Sample Lease Provision: Tenant shall maintain the [Critical Area] or [Pasture Planting] area to NRCS standards [include description of planting area if not previously defined in the lease]. Landowner shall be responsible for the costs of all fencing and maintenance of fencing needed to protect the [Critical Area] or [Pasture Planting] area. Landowner and Tenant agree to visually observe or “walk” the planting area annually to ensure the area is the proper size and is in good repair.