Well Protection


Well Protection requires maintaining proper use of farm input products to improve the quality of water sources. Such maintenance includes mixing farm chemicals and rinsing containers a minimum of 100 feet from a well, even if it is abandoned, and making sure all well casings or grass filter strips are properly maintained.


  • Are all unused wells nearby properly sealed?

  • Have markers been placed around a water source and at the 100 foot barrier?

  • Are filter strips needed around the farmstead or well?

Sample Lease Provision: Tenant shall mix and rinse all farm chemical containers at least 100 feet away from a well and/or water source. The 100-foot distance should be marked with flags or other visible signage. Tenant shall report any spills or accidents involving farm chemicals to Landlord and shall inform Landlord if any well cases or chemical mixing areas are in need of repair.


Conservation Tillage