Contour Farming


Contour Farming is tilling and planting a crop in a way that orients the rows parallel to the contour of the slope and perpendicular to the flow of water, on or near the contour of a field, taking advantage of its natural shape to reduce erosion and hold onto water. This practice may be used in conjunction with strip cropping to slow runoff and trap sediment, as well as retain nutrients in the soil.

Planning Considerations

  • How many acres will be planted using this practice?

  • Will it just be contours, or will strip cropping be implemented? If strip cropping is used, what crops will be paired?

  • What are the measurements of strips? Will they be kept consistent from year to year?

Sample Lease Provision: The Tenant shall use contour farming on [insert number] sloped acres located [insert location] in combination with strip cropping. Sloped acres are those with a grade above 10%. The Tenant may independently choose which crops to plant or may consult with SCD or NRCS. Strips shall be sized at [insert size in feet] feet wide, and the size shall be kept consistent from year to year. However, if the Tenant changes crops and it requires an equipment change, the size of contours may be adjusted to accommodate the new equipment.


Crop Rotation


Manure Storage Structures Agrichemical Handling Facilities